
BigRod Surf Fishing Rod Holder Customer Review

Big Rod Surf Fishing Rod Holder By AugHog Products

Each year a friend and I make a trip to the Texas gulf for 6 days of primitive tent camping and surf fishing.  One main strategy for catching the big reds are to wade waist deep, through as far as we can into the second or third gut, and walk back to the beach letting out line as we go.  In the past we have tried hammering normal PVC into the ground, but when the tide is low and we want to setup on the exposed sand after first gut, it’s practically impossible to get the PVC into the ground.  We’ve tried hammer and read blogs about sucking in on the PVC but nothing works.  Then by luck searching Google for sand augers I found the AugHog!  The auger on the bottom of the hog makes going into the beach sand simple, and easy to reverse and remove from the ground.  AND it will go into the wet sand where the normal PVC is practically impossible to force into the ground.  The AugHog is not only a great product, but it was surprisingly SOLID!  This product was well designed, the auger is well bolted onto the thick rod holder, and they did not cut corners by even curving the top end of the rod holder to easily slide the rod into the hole without careful guidance or scratching of the handle.  It also comes in different colors, which I chose the highly visible orange so folks won’t run over it driving down the beach.  Each year we try to improve our camping and fishing a little.  In 2012 the top two improvements hands down were a Noah Tarp for shade and the AugHog for holding the fishing pole above the wet sand!  Purchasing the AugHog was a great choice and a product that will last for many years to come!

Brad C. Texas

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