Spring is coming! Don’t let this happen to you!

So you are getting ready to head to the beach. You pack your cooler with your favorite frosty beverages. You grab your beach umbrella, towels and sunscreen and off to the beach you go. You get to the beach and get all set up. As soon as you get your umbrella in place and lay down on the towel your umbrella falls over. So then you get up and try to wiggle your umbrella back in the sand, and you think it is firmly in place. You are laying they reading your favorite book and whoosh comes a gust of wind and there goes your umbrella flying down the beach. Not only is it embarrassing it is extremely dangerous. Every year people are hit by flying umbrella and it can be life threatening. Help prevent you umbrella from taking flight by using an AugBrella Beach Umbrella Anchor. They are light weight and can keep just about every umbrella firmly in place. They work with the small less expensive umbrellas and the heavy duty commercial grade beach umbrellas you see flying down the beach in this video. They are smaller cheaper products that simply do not hold up. Check us out at AugBrella.com

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